*** Andic Soil Properties Data ***
Pedon ID: 88KS151004( Pratt, Kansas )Print Date: Sep 24 2024 1:35PM

Sampled as on Nov 1, 1988:Attica ; Coarse-loamy, mixed, thermic Udic Haplustalf
Revised to correlated on Jul 9, 2007:Attica ; Coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, thermic Udic Haplustalfs
United States Department of Agriculture
SSL-ProjectCP89KS005   PRATT-RICE COUNTIESNatural Resources Conservation Service
-Site IDS1988KS151004   Lat: 37° 4728.00" north  Long: 98° 4928.01" west  MLRA: 79National Soil Survey Center
-Pedon No. 89P0017Soil Survey Laboratory
-General Methods 1B1A, 2A1, 2BLincoln, Nebraska 68508-3866
NSSC SSL Report Creation