Pedon Calculations |
Calculation Name | Result | Units of Measure |
Clay, carbonate free, Weighted Average | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | % wt |
Weighted Particles, 0.1-75mm, 75 mm Base | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | % wt |
Clay, total, Weighted Average | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | % wt |
CEC Activity, CEC7/Clay, Weighted Average, Set 1 | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | (NA) |
CEC Activity, CEC7/Clay, Weighted Average, Set 2 | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | (NA) |
CEC Activity, CEC7/Clay, Weighted Average, Set 3 | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | (NA) |
Volume, >2mm, Weighted Average | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | % vol |
CEC Activity, CEC7/Clay, Weighted Average, CECd, Set 1 | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | (NA) |
CEC Activity, CEC7/Clay, Weighted Average, CECd, Set 2 | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | (NA) |
CEC Activity, CEC7/Clay, Weighted Average, CECd, Set 3 | first horizon has bad depths or the control section is not contained in the first horizon | (NA) |
LE, Whole Soil, Summed to 1m | Depth error | cm/m |
Weighted averages based on control section: 18-53 cm |