*** Supplementary Characterization Data ***
Pedon ID: V1990-VA111-307( Lunenburg, Virginia )Print Date: Jul 27 2024 2:51AM

Sampled as on Sep 25, 2009:Appling ; Fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults
Revised to :
Commonwealth of Virginia
SSL-ProjectVTC201201   Virginia TechVirginia Tech
-Site IDVPI-Hall-1   Lat: 36° 52' 20.30" north  Long: 78° 2' 20.46" west  MLRA: 136Department of Crop & Soil Environmental Sciences
-Pedon No. VPI0307330 Smyth Hall (0404)
-General Methods 1B1A, 2A1, 2BBlacksburg, Virginia 24061
NSSC SSL Report Creation