*** Supplementary Characterization Data ***
Pedon ID: 74-OK019-10-4( Carter, Oklahoma )Print Date: Sep 23 2024 9:28PM

Sampled as :
Revised to correlated on Aug 20, 2014:Kiti ; Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, thermic Lithic Haplustolls
State of Oklahoma
SSL-ProjectOKSU201401   Oklahoma State UniveristyOklahoma State University
-Site ID74-OK019-10-4   Lat: 34° 26' 3.00" north  Long: 97° 22' 36.13" west  MLRA: 85Soil Characterization Laboratory
-Pedon No. 74-OK-10-4045 Agriculture Hall
-General Methods 1B1A, 2A1, 2BStillwater, Oklahoma 74078
NSSC SSL Report Creation